Introduction to integrative Neurosciences: 4 parts

This is a two hours lecture divided in four parts, that will provide a full overview of the functional organisation of the nervous system and the #brain in particular.
The architecture of the #cortex is emphasised, deciphering the mechanisms underlying the processing of incoming information (inputs) as well of the generation and monitoring of behaviours (outputs).

It is particularly suitable to those who wish to learn about the brain and its relation to #cognition and #behaviour, but do not know where to start.
It is also recommended to those who wish to attend more advanced lectures, dedicated to the #prefrontalcortex, the #neuroscience of #consciousness or #computationalneurosciences

#onlinelecture #onlietraining #onlineclasses #sarahakka #sarahakkachannel #cognitivescience #integrativeneuroscience #epistemology #corticalorganisation #historyofscience #neuralnetworks #learningalgorithm #neuromodulation #prefrontalcortex